суббота, 9 февраля 2013 г.

From: K.N Williams <CPRK4@aol.com>

Answer to: kandywilliams88@skymail.mn

Dear Friend, 

We seek an investment forum and a very committed partner who is willing to partner with us in a funds project and investment programmes. 
We also state that due to the position of people involved and the sensitive nature of this fund, this deal must be treated as private and confidential. 

We have an excess revenue capital volume of over Euro 400 million which we will invest in mining and mining products, transportation, agriculture, 
construction and other areas of investments. The funds are currently in liquid securities for safety until remittance to partner. We seek potential 
partner/investor who has the capacity to receive and control this fund without any problem. We have the necessary contacts and set arrangement 
to aid such partner without problem and I can send you the Proof of Fund to be independently confirmed by you and your bank to enable us proceed. 

Contact me if you are interested with all you direct contact detail and let us spell out the detail, terms and conditions. 
We can also disburse any costs for sundries to you immediately through our financier to allow immediate meeting and transaction. 

Looking forward to hearing from you. 

K.N Williams

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